Name: Jessica Nickerson
School: Myrtle Point Jr./Sr. High School
Position: Counselor, GEAR UP Coordinator
Alma Mater: University of Oregon & Oregon State University
One fun fact about you: Being a good mother is something that inspires and motivates me!
Because of GEAR UP, our students have a College and Career Center that is equipped to serve any college and career needs they have, centrally located and serves as the hub of communication for the school.
Describe an aspect of your educational journey.
I ended up in this career because I wanted to help people. My parents became foster parents when I was in high school. One of the children they took in had especially high needs. Being able to help kids in need really touched me and through the foster care experience, people I met in college, and courses I took I found a deep desire to change things and try to make a difference in more people's lives.
Share one way that GEAR UP has made a difference in your school or community.
GEAR UP has created an awareness in our school and community that college is an option for everyone. Students have been exposed to such a variety of college experiences like Pizza with Professionals, Career Fairs, College Visits, Scholarship Week and College Application Week that they wouldn't have otherwise been exposed to.