Each student shares "My Story", including future goals, in front of peers and family.

About the school

Chiloquin Junior/Senior High School, Chiloquin, Oregon

  • 121 students in grades 7-12
  • 76% eligible for free and reduced lunch
  • 59% students of color

GEAR UP highlight

Chiloquin student runs the t-shirt press

One thing that GEAR UP has helped Chiloquin Jr./Sr. High School with is our student-run business. Due to the funding GEAR UP has provided, we were able to expand our business and include operations that are relevant to our community. GEAR UP also inspired our business through the trip to Hermiston High School where we were able to see multiple student-run businesses not only up and running, but excelling and impacting the community. This is a goal we have for our business.

The impact of GEAR UP

Graph of educator knowledge of financial aid

One GEAR UP activity that helped our students was the FAFSA Night last year. While this allowed multiple students to afford college, one student in particular was able to get a full ride to college through grants and scholarships. This particular student was planning on going into a medical program and really needed the financial aid. Because of the knowledge our GEAR UP team members had, we were able to walk this student through the steps they needed to find and fill out all applications. We were able to support them when they needed it and tell them it was worth it when they felt overwhelmed and exhausted. They were able to follow their dream and are doing well.

What has helped your school be successful in implementing GEAR UP?

Being in a school where staff and admin have a good and mutually respectful relationship has been really helpful in implementing GEAR UP. Because of these good relationships, anyone can present ideas on how to either improve an existing activity or create a new activity, all while being heard and having their idea truly considered. It has been amazing to watch the GEAR UP program grow in our school over the two years I have been here and it is because of the allowed open communication between staff and our principal.

Because of GEAR UP...

Chiloquin students holding college acceptance letters

  • We are able to provide the students of Chiloquin with the opportunity to go out and see other parts of Oregon.
  • We are able to learn about and use resources to encourage and support our students when planning to go to college and when applying and finding the means to pay their tuition.
  • We implemented a plan that got everyone in the school involved, encouraged our students to work hard to reach their full potential, and helped and encouraged our staff to acknowledge and celebrate the growth and progress our students are making every day.

Information provided by GEAR UP Coordinator Chelsea Wedam.