Newport Middle School students participate in a college t-shirt day.

About the schools

Newport Middle and High School, Newport, Oregon

  • 996 students in grades 7-12
  • 52% free/reduced lunch
  • 41% students of color

GEAR UP highlights

The impact of GEAR UP

Newport students at OSU MU building

Newport students visit Oregon State University's campus.

  • Before GEAR UP the college and career readiness program was more of an on-demand model. Now because of GEAR UP we can be intentional with our planning, using data and best practice.  We now take a systemic approach and implement our comprehensive college and career readiness intentionally and with fidelity. Vicky Roller, Counselor and GEAR UP Coordinator
  • We have been given more tools to get information out to students, parents and staff regarding college and how to make it possible.  Kenna Johnson, GEAR UP Coordinator
  • We have had ASPIRE for awhile but with GEAR UP I believe we have been able to get students to think about college earlier in their middle school and high school years.  We have more first generation and underserved population of students being excited about post high school options.  Melinda Dye, ASPIRE Coordinator
  • Prior to GEAR UP with the NHS ASPIRE Program, only students requesting help for college were matched with mentors and supported during the process. GU has created intentional school-wide messaging, education and support to ensure all students have access to a college and career readiness program. The college and career field trips have opened students (and staff) eyes to opportunities in life. Having the funding upfront has allowed us to create sustainable fundraisers so these crucial visits can continue after the GEAR UP grant is completed.


Newport College Application Week bulletin board

Newport High School's College Application Week bulletin board showcases where seniors have applied to college.

  • Oregon Goes to College has shifted the college-going culture at NHS by creating three inspiring events to support students on their path after college.
  • The professional development offered has increased teacher expectations for students after high school.
  • Getting kids on campuses has really been successful for our students.  They are able to see and hear that they can make college happen and GEAR UP can help them get there. 
  • Students are "Reaching Higher" thanks to GEAR UP! They are applying to more schools, to Honors programs, and finding the right fit.

Because of GEAR UP...

More Newport students are graduating high school and enrolling in college.

  • ...Students have goals getting to college and making it happen!!!
  • ...Students who graduated last year as our first GEAR UP class were able to make plans, work their plans, and embark on those post-high school plans.  We had many success stories with the class of 2020 and I believe it was due to our GEAR UP grant.  
  • ...Newport High School has a strong college and career going culture focused on student success and continuous improvement.

What has helped your school be successful in implementing GEAR UP?

Newport team at SUCCESS Retreat

The Newport GEAR UP Team planning data-driven programming at our annual SUCCESS Retreat.

  • The resources GEAR UP has provided and the team we have at Newport High School
  • Team effort of the Counseling department and other staff support.  We have come up with a fun event to help with sustainability funds in our Trivia Night and college and career readiness is second nature to our staff and students. 
  • The GEAR UP SUCCESS Retreats were pivotal in our school’s success. The team had uninterrupted time to focus on college and career readiness, evaluate our current progress and plan for the future.