Note: This page is undergoing significant changes for the 2022-2029 grant cycle.

Coordinators and GEAR UP team members can find all of the information they need to successfully implement the grant. Browse the links to the right for more information.

Key Documents

  • Who's Who - Information about the central GEAR UP office and key partners.
  • 21st Century Scholars Certificates - Distribute to all students new to GEAR UP each year as part of the federal requirements for GEAR UP. Download this Word version to easily mail merge with a list of your students.
  • Cluster Deadline Checklist - View this checklist to see which deadlines are approaching.
  • Oregon GEAR UP Master Calendar - This PDF calendar shows all of the 2024-25 events coming up for schools, grants, data, colleges, educators and more.

Oregon College Savings Plan & GEAR UP

  •  Show Me The Money!: Oregon College Savings Plan & Oregon GEAR UP PowerPoint Presentation - Learn how Oregon GEAR UP and the Oregon College Savings Plan can help your students save for college. This presentation is a fun and easy way to introduce families to the partnership between Oregon GEAR UP and the Oregon College Savings Plan. You can download the presentation, make some minor edits, and deliver it without much preparation. It only takes 20 minutes, is fully scripted, and it's interactive.


       We know that each district will have different pay structures and wage rates for this position. We estimated $50,000 a few years ago when we first wrote the grant so we acknowledge that may be outdated and not enough.

One option to make up the difference would be to ask the district to cover the difference. You will be able to count this as match and is a step closer to the district continuing the work of this position when the grant is over.

If that is not feasible, we will be happy to work with you and increase your allocation in future years in order to keep your programming budget whole.

       Because things got off to a late start we know it may be difficult to spend this year's budget. This is a good opportunity to make some big purchases, but in the event you cannot spend it all, we will allow a one-time carry forward of funds to next year's budget.

       Yes. Just be sure that you are not supplanting district funds. GEAR UP funds can be used to supplement existing offerings, but you can't shift the funds to GEAR UP if the district paid for it previously.