Name: Heather Harrison
School: Oakridge Junior/Senior High School
Position: Business CTE Teacher
College Alma Mater: Linfield College
Fun Fact: I love to go kayaking and hiking in our wilderness that surrounds Oakridge with my husband and three children.

Describe an aspect of your educational journey: My educational journey had many twists and turns. I started at Creighton University in Omaha, NE. I was not able to decide the direction that I wanted to complete my degree so I took about seven years off. I was working in a business office and decided that I liked inventory and numbers so much that I would get my degree in accounting. I worked in that field for ten years and decided that I wanted to be with my children and accepted the job as a GEAR UP Coordinator in Oakridge. There I saw a hole that I could fill for that school and with perseverance and support I was able to get my CTE endorsement and Oakridge School District chose to hire me.

Share one way that GEAR UP has made a difference in your school.
Because of GEAR UP, the students at Oakridge High School can get out and see themselves on college campuses and we have been able to help them through the process of making that dream become reality!